2024 Maine- Oceanarium Education Center

(Their Website)

We started our day early to drive here. I found it interesting and Bruce was disappointed. I understand why. It was very small and our expectations were influenced by the many aquariums we have visited. -While they do the best the can, the tanks were pretty dirty. I learned several things I didn’t know about lobsters. Most of my information came from two books

The Lobster Chronicles: Life on a Very Small Island  and  The Secret Life of Lobsters 

However, I still learned several facts I didn’t know and the different colored lobsters were something I had read about but never saw.  The photos tell the story.

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A small version lobster boar. They come in three general sizes... small, medium and large.
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Lots of star fish in the petting pool
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The kids petting pool. Have you ever stroked a star fish? If not visit here.
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The crowd listening to a staff member speak about feeding the aquarium residents.
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A light blue lobster.
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An orange lobster. They are usually deep green/black.
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A deep blue lobster.
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Every lobster boat has an individual float to identify the lobsterman.
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An old time lobster trap.
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A modern lobster trap. You see stacks of these on the lobster boats.
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A lobster boat. The broad deck is necessary to hold up to 800 traps.
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The lobster that is large enough to harvest gets caught in the trap. The red thing in the back is a little door that only the smallest lobsters can get through.