2008 Rhinebeck Aerodrome Air Show and Plane Crash

Rhinebeck Aerodrome Air Show and Plane Crash
(Click Here for their Website)

The newspaper account of the crash

Bruce started the conversation about our Albany plans with the comment, “I’ve come up with what will be the most interesting thing we’ve ever done! I sure hope you like it.” For weeks afterward, he wouldn’t tell me what it was although he finally broke down and said, “We’re taking a ride in an open cockpit biplane.” I really was looking forward to this since, in all the years I’ve flown, I’ve never been in a plane like this.

We went to the Rhinebeck Aerodrome with high anticipation and I was not disappointed, although Bruce was underwhelmed. Unfortunately, at the conclusion of the air show later that day, a pilot was killed when his plane crashed about three blocks from the field. The story is still interesting and the photos tell the story.

Aerodrome crash claims pilot’s life – By Kyle Wind, Freeman staff – 08/18/2008