2023 Buffalo- The Pennsylvania Lumber Museum

You read the title and said “Huh?” as can be expected.

Why would there even BE a lumber museum and what possible interest would it be on an Excellent Adventure?

Excellent questions. The answer is it was a Bruce Excellent Adventure Attraction. He finds the most out of the way places among the host of usual attractions on the list. 

The place is fascinating. You can spend a couple of hours there learning about the lumber business,

Their history is:

The concept of a ‘Pennsylvania lumber museum’ started in the early 1960s with the Penn-York
Lumberman’s Club whose popular summer event brought awareness of the state’s rich lumbering heritage to a national audience. It  spawned a desire for a new “heritage” museum that
would present this rich history to Pennsylvania residents and visitors. The Visitor Center offers an extensive history of the industry and region with exhibits such as  “Challenges and Choices in Pennsylvania’s Forests,”  which explores the growth of Pennsylvania’s lumber industry, the devastation and revival of the state’s forests, and the current public
and private efforts to maintain a “working forest.”