2003 Portland OR

Portland was the coolest trip we’ve taken if you judge it by the stuff we saw. From Sea to Mountains, the Portland theme was diversity and fish. The Ecola Park Lighthouse took a lot of work to make the movie but it is very cool. Check out the 8 photo sequence of the lighthouse being eaten by waves.Next, look over the general photos in the middle then, when you are ready for the really interesting, go to the bottom of the page for the Kayak Kids saga.

The Ecola Park Lighthouse 

Ecola Park is on the ocean. Serene and hilly, it is a quiet place to visit. The lighthouse is on an island about a half mile off shore. Under high waves it shows up under water.

The Seaside Aquarium(Their Website)

This was our first visit to the aquarium. We went back a decade later. The photo of the seals watching Bruce watching them is one of my favorites. Fred Jr. is in homage to Fred, a large mouth bass that my friend Morgan kept in his kitchen.

The Kayak Kids

Not often, but sometimes we get lucky and run into something really unusual on our trips.  There was that time when this happened to us… no, wait, it wasn’t unusual. 
Well then, it must have been when we… no, wait, it wasn’t unusual either.
I guess this is a first! Bruce mapped out a day featuring a visit to seven waterfalls along the Columbia River. I think he did it to kick my butt. For whatever reason, we found ourselves at Bridal Veil Falls where we got to watch two imminently crazy kids fly their kayaks off a 140 foot high  and 40 foot wide waterfall. (Of course if you are in Law Enforcement, everything on this page was done in Photoshop and the names are fictitious. That’s my story and I’m stickn’ to it.)